Tea Time

I’ve been feeling the urge to play with things that aren’t fabric lately. Sometimes, a little creative break is a good thing. It lets me explore something different and/or new, recharging my vision along the way.

This little tea tray started out as an unfinished piece of wood from the craft store. I don’t think it cost more than $5 (probably less). I did a basic whitewash with some acrylic paint, covering the inside and outside. Then I added a bright pink to the top edge. When it was dry, I trace off the bottom and sides on the back of a piece of wrapping paper (I picked up this particular gem at Target, on clearance).

I used Mod Podge to adhere the papers to the tray, then topped off everything with a bit of Mod Podge Sparkle. Yes, decoupage medium with glitter in it. What can I say? I like a bit of sparkle.

The tray has been the centerpiece of today’s tea-time play, which makes it a success in my book. I’m working on another piece right now, this one a mixed media collage-y kind of work, and may be sharing it in a day or two (lots of drying time with this one).

9 Responses to “Tea Time”

  1. sadira

    I love it! I love Mod Podge as well…and how did I not know that they made Sparkle? This is very exciting news on the decoupage front isn’t it?

  2. Ula

    What a fun tray! Nice choice for a “non-fabric” project. 🙂

  3. Dena

    That’s darling! How’d you keep the modge podge from being sticky? I can’t sit anything in mine without it making a sucking noise as I pull it off lol

  4. Christi

    Oh yummy, Mary! Now I want to do one! LOVE the paper!!! Wow, most impressive! Yes, I’m keen to know the same as Dena.

  5. nichol

    Sweet! I love tea time!

  6. alittlemoore

    I love mod podge but have never seen it with sparkles! Must find it!

  7. Jerilyn

    That is very cute! I tried making a tray for my daughter with a liquid plastic over the top. It didn’t turn out as I imagined. I have used Mod podge before and sometimes it turns out a little sticky. Just wondering…did your tray turn out a little sticky when you put the little tea toys on it? If you didn’t have any problems, then I would love to make a new one with Mod podge this time.

  8. Melissa

    Cute tray! What little girl wouldn’t want one? I want one! I love reading your blog. I must tell you that it is one of my favorite places to go for inspiration. I purchased the Britches n’ Bloomers pattern after reading your review on Sew Mama Sew! and I can hardly wait to give it a try. Thanks for all the good ideas!

  9. kayellen

    Love the tea tray! How’s everything in Atlanta? Hope we connect next time I’m out there.
    Just added you to my friend list:)


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